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Diaphragm wall grab ��pilingmachines

Diaphragm wall grab

The diaphragm wall grab is used to break the rock and take out soil and gravel inside of casing after inserted the casing in the ground by oscillator, at large bore cast-in-place concrete pile work.

Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines
Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines
Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines Diaphragm wall grab��pilingmachines



High construction efficiency, powerful shutting force and good perpendicularity for the diaphragm wall construction.

The diaphragm wall grab may also be installed with to maintain and repair the wall anytime during working.
The advanced electronic surveying system can accurately demonstrate the depth and the position direction of the grab on the screen, as accurate as to 0.01 degree.

Diaphragm Wall Grab
Diaphragm wall grab which is rope suspended and operated hydraulically. The 80~120 ton closing force and 8~9 second shovel opening/closing time are activated by a cylinder which is installed inside of base body. High closing forces in combination with the possibility of multiple grabbing at the trench bottom result in high excavation rates even in dense and very hard soil strata.
Wall grab information
Width (mm) Volume (Liter)
300 --
350 400
400 500
500 650
600 800
800 1100
1000 1400
1200 1700
SG series diaphragm wall grab's features advanced technology, excellent performance, reliable quality and easy handing. It is a multifunctional foundation construction machine of high efficiency.
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